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Washington State University National Center for Transportation Infrastructure Durability & Life-Extension (TriDurLE)

Design of Long-lasting Discrete Sacrificial Anode


Design of Long-lasting Discrete Sacrificial Anode for Corrosion Mitigation of Reinforcement in Chloride Contaminated Concrete


PI: Dr. Jialuo He, Washington State University

Co-PI: Dr. Xianming Shi, Washington State University


Reinforcement corrosion induced by chloride contamination is a leading cause of structural damage and premature degradation in reinforced concrete (RC) structures, with significant implications for safety, reliability, economics, and environmental performance. Discrete sacrificial anode (DSA) is one tool used for corrosion mitigation of steel reinforcement in chloride contaminated concrete, particularly through embedment in repair mortar to reduce the detrimental “ring effect”. Our recent study revealed that the commercial DSA products actually have much shorter service life than expected, because zinc corrosion products accumulate at the interface between zinc core and the packaged mortar, reduce the current supply to steel reinforcement, crack the encased mortar, and finally lead to the complete failure of the DSA. In this context, the overarching goal of this project is to design long-lasting DSA to prolong its service life and reduce the costs associated with the need for frequent replacements. To achieve the goal, this study aims to:

1) design conductive and porous foamed cement paste as the encasing material for DSA, and
2) characterize the effects of different components of the paste on the life-cycle performance of newly-designed DSA and assess its effectiveness on the rehabilitation of salt-contaminated RC.

Specifically, carbon fibers will be incorporated into the foamed cement paste to increase its electrical conductivity. Light weight aggregates with water or saturated calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) encapsulated inside will be used in the paste to maintain a sufficient level of moisture. Electrochemical tests will be conducted to study the corrosion performance of steel bars and zinc anodes as well as evaluate the effectiveness of DSAs. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) will be employed to investigate the mechanisms related to how the foamed microstructure and different components of the paste enhance the longevity and performance of DSAs.

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Dr. Jialuo He

Dr. Xianming Shi

Durability of Transverse Sawcut Joints in Mid-Western Jointed Concrete Pavements


Durability of Transverse Sawcut Joints in Mid-Western Jointed Concrete Pavements


Dr. Dan Zollinger, PI, Texas A&M University
Dr. Jenny Liu, Co-PI, Missouri University of Science & Technology


This proposed project is comprised of an investigation into the role and extent that joint sealant effectiveness plays on the durability of sealed transverse sawcut joints in jointed concrete pavement that are subjected to deicing salts and freeze-thaw conditions. Specifically, this research will address the circumstances associated with the deterioration that occurs under the effect of oxychloride formation. This type of deterioration has been most prevalent in concrete pavements placed in the Midwestern parts of the US. This distress (Figure 1) is so extensive throughout Midwestern concrete pavements that it threatens the marketability of concrete pavements in the region. This proposed research will focus on aspects of the lesser-known distress in concrete (calcium oxychloride formation) that is caused by a chemical reaction between the chloride-based deicers and the calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2, (also denoted as CH). This reaction leads to the formation of calcium oxychloride, a deleterious reaction product that causes expansive pressures that damages a concrete pavement. As a consequence, the industry has a high level of interest in economic and effective solutions to prevent or minimize this distress type and has committed to in-kind contributions towards this research effort. Research has shown that some of the key factors in the incidence of calcium oxychloride formation are salt concentration and temperature which govern the threshold that must be exceeded in order to initiate the reaction. This research will seek to formulate a modeling approach to ascertain if the conditions in-situ warrant measures beyond the routine sealing of the joint to prevent damage from the formation of calcium oxychloride in the vicinity of a joint. The conditions will be characterized in terms of salt condition and temperature of the pore water in the concrete relative to the threshold or the activation energy for the reaction to occur.

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Dan Zollinger.

Dr. Dan Zollinger

Jenny Liu.

Dr. Jenny Liu

Automated Detection of Characterization of Cracks


Automated Detection of Characterization of Cracks Using Structure-From-Motion Based Photogrammetry: A Feasibililty Study


Dr. Xiong Zhang
Missouri University of Science & Technology


In infrastructure such as pavement, bridges and tunnels, crack widths and patterns on surfaces are two of the most important signs used to estimate durability. Conventional techniques suffer from challenges such as tediousness, subjectivity, and high cost. A new measurement technique that overcomes these challenges while measuring crack displacement with high accuracy and low cost in aging structures is needed. The research will develop a Structure-from-Motion Based photogrammetry technique for measuring crack widths and patterns using videos taken by commercially available low cost digital cameras. Software will be developed to analyze the videos by combining deep-learning techniques and modern close-range photogrammetry. 3D models of the pavement and bridge structures with high accuracy will be constructed using the videos and will be compared and validated using the results generated from high accuracy LiDAR system. Post-processing algorithms will be developed to automatically calculate the real lengths as well as the real width and depth of a crack at any arbitrary locations. This method for 3D crack mapping will provide us a high accuracy, low cost, and easy-to-operate tool for pavement and bridge management.

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Condition Monitoring and Performance Management


Analyzing the Impact of Autonomous Maintenance Technology to Transportation Infrastructure Capacity for Condition Monitoring and Performance Management


Dr. Xianbiao (XB) Hu
Missouri University of Science & Technology


The Autonomous Maintenance Technology (AMT) is a quickly emerging autonomous-vehicle-based technology for improving transportation infrastructure maintenance by removing drivers from risk. This project will develop models and algorithms to reveal its fundamental operating mechanism, and analyze its impact to transportation capacity for infrastructure condition monitoring and performance management. Newell car following model and moving-bottleneck-based traffic flow theory will be utilized to mathematically derive the roadway capacity under different scenarios. Multiple sensors, including high resolution Global Positioning System (GPS), Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), Radar, high definition camera, accelerometer and gyroscope installed on the AMT vehicles will collect real data from the field for model validations.

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XianBiao Hu

Dr. XB Hu is currently an Assistant Professor at Missouri University of Science and Technology. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Arizona in 2013 and was a founding team member and the Director of R&D at Metropia Inc. in Tucson AZ. His research focuses on smart transportation systems, transportation big data analytics, and traffic flow and system modeling.

Development of Holistic Methodologies for Improving Asphalt Mix Durability


Development of Holistic Methodologies for Improving Asphalt Mix Durability


Jenny Liu, PI, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Fujie Zhou, PI, Texas A&M University
Pedro Romero, PI, University of Utah


Asphalt mix durability have always been major concerns of all State DOTs, and they cost taxpayers billions of dollars each year to repair cracking and rutting problems. To have a durable mix, one needs to address three aspects: durable mix design, production, and placement. The objective of this project is to develop holistic methodologies for addressing all three aspects with an ultimate goal to improve asphalt mix durability. A detailed literature review has been completed during the first stage of the Yr 1 research. By the end of Yr 2, as a minimum, this project will develop (1) a systematic methodology for designing durable mixes in the laboratory, (2) a performance-related methodology for production quality control and quality assurance (QC/QA) at asphalt plants, and (3) an innovative methodology for placement acceptance in the field.

All the methodologies and findings from this project will be summarized and documented in the final report. To facilitate implementation and transfer the technology coming out this project, the research team will reach out DOTs, contractors, and other stakeholders through publications, presentations at different conferences (such as TRB) and webinars.

Year One

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Year Two

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Jenny Liu.

Dr. Jenny Liu

Dr. Pedro Romero


Dr. Fujie Zhou

Corrosion Propagation Monitoring Using Galvanotstatic Pulse on Reinforced Concrete Legacy Samples


Corrosion Propagation Monitoring Using Galvanotstatic Pulse on Reinforced Concrete Legacy Samples

Team Members

Dr. Francisco Presuel-Moreno
Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Florida Atlantic University,


The corrosion propagation stage of carbon steel rebar in high performance concrete might last longer than the typically five years usually attributed for carbon steel rebar in concrete with type I/II Portland cement as the only cementitious material. Monitoring the corrosion rate for a longer period within the propagation stage is relevant. Legacy samples are available at FAU in which corrosion propagation will be monitored using galvanostatic pulse, on samples exposed outdoors and indoors

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Francisco Presuel-Moreno.

Dr. Francisco Presuel-Moreno

Develop an Innovative Self-healing Concrete Technology for Bridge Deck Life Extension


Develop an Innovative Self-healing Concrete Technology for Bridge Deck Life Extension

Team Members

Xiong (Bill) Yu
Professor and Interim Chair
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Case Western Reserve University


The proposed research aims to conduct pilot study to develop a self-healing concrete technology that rapidly heal the cracks by use of microorganism fungi. Fungi is selected due to its capability to rapidly cover exposed surfaces of concrete cracks with its hyphae fiber. The recovery of mechanical properties will be achieved with fungi induced bio mineralization process, which glue the cracked surfaces together. Besides, the hydrophobic nature of the fungi fiber prevents water ingression and therefore mitigates the corrosion due to deicing salt. Fast and autogenous cracking healing of concrete will extend the service life of bridge decks and bring major cost and labor savings compared with conventional treatment procedures.

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Xiong (Bill) Yu.

Dr. Xiong (Bill) Yu

Development of Environmental Response Asphalt Technology for Asphalt Pavement Life Extension


Development of Environmental Response Asphalt Technology for Asphalt Pavement Life Extension

Research Team

Xiong (Bill) Yu
Professor and Interim Chair,
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Case Western Reserve University

Project Description

The proposed innovation is to further develop a thermochromic asphalt technology that features a dynamic solar reflectance. The material will reflect more solar radiation at high temperature and absorbs more solar radiation at low temperature. Therefore it will make pavement cooler during hot summer days (therefore reduce the associated rutting, bleeding, etc.) and make the pavement warmer during cold winter days (therefore delay ice formation for the benefits of snow and ice removal and mitigate low temperature crack). These will improve the durability of asphalt road, improve winter maintenance, and mitigate the negative environmental impacts of conventional asphalt due to high surface temperature in summer (i.e., urban heat island effects, volatile gas emission, etc.).

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Xiong (Bill) Yu.


Department Chair, Civil Engineering
Case Western Reserve University

Data Management Plan

Data Management Plan


The TriDurLE data management plan (DMP) is designed to facilitate the best practices of data documentation and promote the sharing of research results and experimental data across the broad spectrum of stakeholders of this National University Transportation Center (UTC) grant. During the implementation of the grant, we will collect and generate a variety of data including, but not limited to, laboratory testing, field investigations, remote sensing, climate changes, infrastructure performance, traffic conditions, societal/economic analysis, and numerical analyses.

The TriDurLE DMP  is designed to facilitate the best practices of data documentation and promote the sharing of research results and experimental data across the broad spectrum of stakeholders of this National University Transportation Center (UTC) grant. During the implementation of this grant, we will collect and generate a variety of data including, but not limited to, laboratory testing, field investigations, remote sensing, climate changes, infrastructure performance, traffic conditions, societal/economic analysis, and numerical analyses.

View the complete TriDurLE Data Management Plan

Invited Speaker Webinar with Dr. Zhongren Wang, Ph.D., California Department of Transportation


“Implementing a Pavement Management System in California DOT”


About the Speaker:

Dr. Zhongren Wang is Chief, Office of Mobility Programs at Caltrans. He manages multiple statewide mobility programs such as connected corridor, operational improvement analysis and investigation, and project environmental impact analysis.

A registered Civil and Traffic Engineer in California, Dr. Wang has more than 30 years of experiences in transportation project development and management, program administration, and academic teaching and research. Dr. Wang serves on multiple TRB standing Committees including Geometric Design, Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics, and Pavement Management. Dr. Wang published more than 30 journal papers in various refereed journals and is now an associate editor of the International Journal on Transportation Science and Technology.

Dr. Wang graduated from the University of Tennessee, National University of Singapore, and Tongji University, Chin

 View the recording of this webinar