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Washington State University National Center for Transportation Infrastructure Durability & Life-Extension (TriDurLE)

Waheed Uddin Faculty/Staff Diversity Award

Waheed Uddin Faculty/Staff Diversity Travel Grants 


In memory of Mississippi TriDurLE Site Director Waheed Uddin who passed away from COVID in 2020, TriDurLE will provide funding up to $1500 per award each year to four TriDurLE consortium university faculty or staff (postdoctoral researcher, engineer, coordinator, etc) who have participated in presentations/activities to enhance diversity. Grants are awarded post-travel (or virtual presentation) and receipts are required for reimbursement. Applicants will be required to explain how this travel helps the recruitment or retention of diverse students or professionals to the transportation infrastructure field and provide the number of people in attendance at the event.

Applications are open

  • These funding opportunities are available for faculty or staff from TriDurLE consortium universities only
  • All reimbursements will be allocated by TriDurLE and all faculty or staff who apply are not guaranteed funding
  • These grants are for reimbursement for registration and travel associated with academic or professional work related to promoting diversity, recruitment, and retention of students.
  • These are post-travel grants processed as reimbursements after you return from your trip (or virtual activity).


  • Conference presentations
  • Workshops
  • Professional/Career development


  • All TriDurLE consortium university faculty or staff are eligible to apply for a TriDurLE travel grant.
  • Each faculty or staff can submit more than one application per travel period or academic year until the applicant reaches the maximum funding cap per travel period or academic year.
  • Faculty or staff are permitted to apply for more than one grant in the same cycle if they attended two events (conferences, workshops, etc.). They may be awarded partially based on available funding per travel period.


Applicants must submit all original receipts (registration costs, travel receipts, etc.) and relevant information regarding travel; however for 2020-21 exceptions are allowed for this rule in the application process.

  • Registration fees
  • Transportation including airfare, shuttle costs, ground transportation, rental car, or personal cars per mileage
  • Airport parking
  • Lodging


  • Any expenses for travel companions will not be reimbursed by TriDurLE
  • Meal costs will not be reimbursed


The amount awarded is based on:

  • The quality and completeness of the application
  • The benefits of the activity to the recruitment and/or retention of diverse students
  • The quality of resume or personal profile

Application Materials

Application is considered complete if the submitted application form includes the following fields

  • Attachment of travel receipts (exceptions are allowed for this for 2020-21 in the application process)
  • Strength of the event’s and/or presentation’s focus on diversity, recruitment, and retention


  • When traveling, keep all original receipts and relevant information regarding your travel for reimbursement (This rule is applicable for 2021-22. If receipts are not available for 2020-21, exceptions are allowed)
  • Faculty or staff may submit as many applications per application period as they wish.
  • Pay attention to the funding cap of $1500 when completing more than one application.